Tuesday 16 June 2009

Measuring audience response and feedback

In terms of the feedback from the audience and their response, I have decided to generate some data through pie charts instead of just rough note tables, which is what I took when we went down on the day of the screening to interview people for audience feedback.

I thought using pie charts analyses the data better and makes it clearer for information to be seen and shown.

The first question I asked the audience was how long they stopped for to watch the show reel screening. Obviously I asked them this as they came away from the screening and simply asked how long they had stayed for. Here is the response.

This is the data for how long the audience stayed at the screening. In this pie chart, you can see the actual numbers of people who stayed for periods of time, all together I asked 50 people. In the pie chart below you can see the data percentage wise.

Here you can see how long the audience stayed in terms of percentages out of 50 people in total. From the pie chart, you can see that the majority of people stayed for 5 - 10 minutes - which I think is excellent. There were quite a few who stayed for a minute or less but I think this is due to being busy in the town centre.

Here you can see the age of the audience who stayed to watch the screenings. From the data, you can see the majority of the audience were middle aged 30 - 40 year olds, and this may be because they enjoy hearing about the history of Cambridge and comparing it to when they were little.

Here you can see the age of the audience who stayed for the screening, but you can see the actual numbers of people as opposed to percentages in the last graph.

Here you can see the problems with the shop screening and the numbers of people who thought these problems. The survey was overall out of 50 people.

On both of these pie charts, you can see what the audience felt the problems were with the shop screening. The majority of people thought that the music was too loud and repetitive and that
it was too bright to see the screen as effectively as they would have liked. Personally these were the two main issues I identified with on the day of these interviews so this wasn't suprising.

Here you can see the data I have collected which shows what the audience liked about the shop screening. This pie chart shows the percentages of people and what they liked out of 50 people in total.

Here you can see the actual numbers of audience members and what they liked about the screening. From the pie chart it is easy to evaluate that the main attraction to the screening in Habitat, Regent Street was that the footage was eye catching and interesting. The next is that the shop boasted something new, modern or creative as opposed to the other shops in the town centre.

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